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What Is FEES?

Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) is an instrumental swallow evaluation completed by a specially trained speech-language pathologist (SLP). This study allows us to objectively evaluate swallowing physiology and detect penetration or aspiration commonly missed during bedside evaluations.


A flexible endoscope is introduced transnasally and advanced to view the pharyngeal and laryngeal structures and their functions. A small amount of food coloring is added to various food consistencies. The SLP evaluates swallowing function and the presence or absence of penetration/aspiration. Compensatory strategies can be assessed during the study without time constraints since there is no exposure to radiation. Upon completing the FEES, the SLP can provide recommendations for the safest diet level, compensatory strategies, and treatment plan.

Benefits of FEES?

  • View of pharyngeal and laryngeal structures in color. View of secretion management, vocal fold mobility, and evidence of edema/erythema (redness and swelling).

  • Continuous recording with no limit on the length of study allows SLP to assess for fatigue factors.

  • Report with impressions, recommendations, and treatment plan provided the same day.

  • Efficacy of swallowing compensatory strategies trialed and assessed.

  • Improved quality of life

  • Reduce hospital readmissions!

  • The objective study allows for more confident diet initiation which will save money on:


  • Modified diets (pureeing/chopping foods, etc.)

  • Pre-thickened liquids and thickened liquid packets

  • Enteral feeds

  • Transport and readmissions to the hospital

Mobile FEES Services

We will travel to your skilled nursing facility, nursing home/long-term care facility, subacute facility, LTACH, acute care, or ENT offices to perform the FEES procedure, for one simple flat rate. We provide services in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas.


A flexible endoscope is introduced transnasally and advanced to view the pharyngeal and laryngeal structures and their functions. A small amount of food coloring is added to various food consistencies. The SLP evaluates swallowing function and the presence or absence of penetration/aspiration. Compensatory strategies can be assessed in during the study without time constraints since there is no exposure to radiation. Upon completing the FEES, the SLP can provide recommendations for the safest diet level, compensatory strategies, and treatment plan.

Get Started Today

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